Xtreme Waterfowling
Booking Requirements
For booking a hunt with us here at Xtreme Waterfowling you will need a few things. Everyone requires a valid outdoor card and up to date small game license. You will also need to purchase a migratory bird license
Next, we require a 50% Non-Refundable deposit. We reserve a date for you and your group and we hold that date and spot exclusively for you and your number of hunters. We do this as a full time career and need everyone to commit to your booked dates. In the case of extreme weather where we think its to dangerous to hunt we are reasonable with a solution to resolve it if need be.
Once you have booked your hunt|hunts with us we will send you an emailed list of all the things you may want to bring with you on your hunt. We have all of the boats and decoys and blinds etc. The list includes tips on dressing for weather conditions and so on.
Methods of payments. We accept Cash, E-Transfers and Credit card payment.
No cheques accepted. And for final payment in the field if you could bring the money in cash that would be ideal as we don't have visa machine in the field.
Hunts Generally run from around 4am until 11am. Most days we have our limits mid morning, then head back and clean and process the birds included in the hunt. Birds are breasted with a wing attached for transport.
Covid-19 Protocols
Here at Xtreme Waterfowling we are taking the necessary precautions to protect us and our clients from covid-19. We encourage our clients to wear masks and social distance when possible. We will have extra masks and sanitizing products with us for anyone looking for some. Equipment and boats will be kept whiped down and clean for everyones safety. We are doing our part to keep everyone safe and healthy.

For more info or to book a hunt you can message us below or call 705 768 6565